" תופעה מדהימה, מסתורית ואמיתית, מתרחשת בחדשי הקיץ, בשדות החקלאיים בעולם ובעיקר באנגליה באזור STONEHENGE. "מעגלי חטה" CROP CIRCLES נחקרים ארבעים שנים באופן מדעי. האם נוצרו מכוח טבעי או על טבעי? האם זו עדות מופלאה של יצור תבוני על אנושי, שמגיעה לכדור הארץ ?" להמשך לחץ כאן למאמרים בקבלה לחץ כאן
הירשמו לדיוור
מעגלי חיטה
about us
This site aims to provide introduction and some knowledge, regarding Prophetic Kabala.
Since prophetic kabala is based upon wahl shaverslinguistic, the Hebrew language – Single letters, words and their roots, verses and complete sentences, very little can unfortunately be described or explained in any other language, hence the use of Hebrew as the sole language on my site.
Prophetic Kabala is an Ancient wisdom known to bibslim4vit recensionilical prophets, who themselves wrote in Hebrew. Their writings can be found in the Tanach, the old- testament.
This wisdom of Prophetic Kabala is found in later books explaining the depths, meanings and the ways to learn it. Here, we start with Hebrew letters and words, searching for roots, calculating numerical values, comparing sums to similar values and words to find either echo, a dispute, an agreement or an opposition. The art of wording is in the heart of this Kabala system, it is based on mathematic, uses Gimatria (the numerical value of Hebrew letters and words) and vividly reviled in Geometry (i.e. words, names, qualities, are found in Geometry, as measurements = numbers=letters/words)
Therefore in order to teach or learn, the source and rules of the Hebrew language, one must firstly speak and read, Hebrew. A paradox perhaps, but this site will help you with first steps.
Having said that,
English speakers are invited to read few articles on various subjects:
Articles published in 2011
Crop Circles phenomenon
Also published in "Crop Circle Connector" site (search by name – Varda D. Sarnat)
Dancing in the fields of Hebrew –
2010 Wilton Windmill, nr Wilton, Wiltshire 2011
Solar system commemorate September 11th
Some sort of MANN
Articles published in Crop Circle Connector 2012
Song number one
September 11th – 2001 and the Golden Ratio: time, space, life.
Attached – pdf English sept 11th 2001
The Great Pyramid in Giza – decoded
The plan and dimensions and their biblical connection to sacred 7th Shabat, Netzach=Pesach
Please watch videos in 2D and 3D Geometry.
(Geometry still is a universal language, can also be seen during 40 years of modern time crop circles)
Mayan calendar –Gregorian Calendar 2012 – Hebrew calendar 5,772
Lectures or Courses on these subjects are given in English
Inquiries – please write